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Terry (Buck) Chubb

Terry (Buck) Chubb was born on March 16, 1956 to Lewis and Mary Chubb in Carson City MI. His memory will continue on through his wife Nina Chubb, sister Janet Gascho, several nieces and nephews and many wonderful friends.  Terry was a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Later-day Saints. Terry drove wrecker and was considered to be a jack of all trades.  He had a wonderful sense of humor and could make anyone laugh.  

A verse from a song he loved can describe how he was: 

Work and watch and fight and pray

With all your might and zeal.

Push ev’ry worthy work along;

Put your shoulder to the wheel.

A memorial service for Terry will be held at 11am on January 15, 2022 at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Mt. Pleasant.

Reader Comments (1)

I have known Bucky & the family since I was a little girl, 😔 we are sorry for your loss, we are thinking & praying for comfort for family.
January 7, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterKadesh Martin

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