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Nathan Alaska Threet

Nathan Alaska Threet died Sunday, May 7, 2023.

Nathan was born in Orem, Utah January 30, 1985, and has lived in Midland, Michigan since he was two years old. Nate loved learning and was an avid reader. He was attending Northwood University and was on the President’s list. 

Nate was always quick to help his friends and family whenever there was a need. He was fiercely loyal to those he cared about. Some found him annoying, much to his liking, but he was loved by anyone who got to know the guy under the off-putting antics.  Nate was a volunteer firefighter for several years and loved it. He was especially beloved by his nieces and nephews, who had so many fun outings to his house to play with his doggies, target shoot at his backyard range, ride his 4-wheeler, and try out his flame thrower. 

Nate had a strong love for doggies and kitties, whom he termed "floofies". He loved ALL the floofies. Nate served in the army right out of high school, serving our country overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan. He was so very loud, especially when sharing jokes- some funny, some downright terrible. The more terrible the joke, the more it amused him, and he would laugh so loud and so hard. 

Nate is survived by his parents, Toby and Karma Threet, siblings Anthony (Jennifer) Threet, Katee (Cory) Baldwin, Krystee (Ryan) Keyes, Kendra (Brandon) Wood, and Jonathan Threet, plus nieces and nephews Dominik, Alexa, Sam, Madeline (with whom he shared a special bond), Max, Elliot, Claire, Alexander, Rowan, Desmond, Andrew, Lianna, and Meredith, and of course his floofies, Kitty Baby and Dummy.

Nate will be missed terribly for his larger-than-life personality and generous heart.  

Funeral services will be held 3PM Saturday May 13, with visitation starting at 2pm.  Services will be at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (corner of Eastman and Sugnet in Midland). Burial will follow in the Lee Township Cemetery. 

The family is being served by the Barden Funeral Home in Ithaca. Condolences may be left for the family online at


Reader Comments (24)

Nate was every bit his fathers son with his sense of humor. The Threets are very much loved by our family and in our prayers. We will miss Nathan. He always had the best story’s to tell about the ventures he had in his life. We love you Nate. Until we meet again.
Nate is one of my favorites and the source of some of my best stories. I’m so sorry for your loss. The world will be a little quieter and a lot less amusing.
May 10, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterCandice Kulbeth
Didn't know this young man but our love and prayers go out to his family... Love you sister and brother threet.
May 10, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterLauretta alvarez
Our hearts are broken for you. We love you and are praying for you, as impossibly small as that sounds. Your family is very special to us and we are asking God’s special blessing and comfort for those who suffer this very specific kind of pain. May Nathan’s memory and love be a blessing and, in time, a comfort to all of you.
Dear Karma and Toby and family, May God hold you steady in the news of this tragedy, and hold you close as you move through shock and grief. May the abundance of God's love be made known through your love for one another and through the love of your community that meets you in this time. We pray for comfort even as you search an unfathomable depth of loss. We know that God has the power and the grace to meet us in those depths.
Love, Corinne and Mike McVee
My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
I love you.
I remember visiting one time in my “Zebra”. All the kids wanted to sit in the open back end seat. All but one. Nate wanted up front with me. When you helped me through my divorce and had all the kids with you at my place, Nate was just as quiet and respectful as any other of your kids. He always showed me respect. Mom mentioned that he always “toned down “ and showed respect, when he would visit her out of the blue.
I so wish I had more time with him as he grew up.
Nice thing now is that he really is home, mom. He is safe and knows for certain that he is loved by you Toby and all his siblings. He now waits to put his arms around you again and thank you for always being MOM no matter how good or bad his life became.
You have been an example to our entire family of love, parenthood, family, respect and forgiveness that keeps a place in the hearts of your kids no matter how hard it gets or how ever far they roam. We love you for that. I hope I can be that good with my kids too. As you, my best friend, have taught me.
You and Toby are so loved by so many.
May the lord bless you that your grief will be short, so that your hearts can be ,again, flooded with the rewards and blessings for never giving up. Then the thoughts and feelings of all the happy times of you two and Nate had, can start to fill some of that empty feeling you have now. Remember, you’re an eternal mom.
Love you guys.
May 10, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterPat and Kristi
Nate was one of a kind. From the first time I met him 8 years ago I don’t think I would have ever assumed how much our friendship would grow. It’s unfortunate some people never got to know the real Nate because he was a true friend to have with a huge heart. Words can’t even begin to explain how much he’s going to missed.
May 11, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterShaundra
We were so sorry to hear about this. I send you cyber hugs during this difficult time.
May 11, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterRoberta Peless
I am so sorry for your loss. Losing a child leaves a huge hole in your heart. Hugs and prayers to your family. Your Carpenter family sends their love.
My thoughts and prayers are that all those who loved Nathan may be comforted, that you may remember with joy the love he shared through the life he lived, and that the knowledge of the plan of salvation offered by our Savior Jesus Christ may bring peace to your hearts.
May 11, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterEmily Chappell
I have know Nate since I believe 7th or 8th grade at Jefferson. Went to high school together as well and have kept somewhat in-touch over social media. His family are in my thoughts in this hard time for them. I know he in no way would want anyone he cared about to be sad for him. He would probably make some off colored joke most would find offensive except those who knew him. I hope he's causing trouble where ever he is. Mostly because I couldn't imagine him being happy doing anything else.
May 11, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterMara Stanko
We're Nates neighbors. He help us out whenever we needed it. Thinking of your family. Sending prayers.
May 11, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterSandra Sharp
Nate was a great guy. We served together in 08. Over the years became very close. He was always there for my family and I. When my wife’s sister passed away he drove down to Detroit and hung out for a few days, he did everything he could to lift her spirits. People can say whatever they want about Nate, but he was a kind soul to my family and we will never forget him.
May 11, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterShaun Bungart
Threet family - I am so very sorry for your loss. May your memories bring you comfort and a sense of peace.
May 11, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterDebbie Arthur
I have some tender memories of Nathan and spending time with him on campouts in our youth group when we were teenagers. I cherish the connection we made. I'll never forget the conversation we had, I can't remember what led to it, but we were sitting at the campsite having a heart to heart and I told him I was glad to be his friend. I could tell it meant a lot to him to know I loved him like a brother, and it meant a lot to me too. In our adult lives we didn't agree on everything, but I respected him, and I know he respected me and valued my friendship.
I remember at church shortly before I was married to my sweetheart we were joking in the back before Priesthood started. Between the two of us laughing, we were pretty loud -- I remember looking towards the front and everyone was starting at us. It makes me smile now -- I admit Nate wasn't the only one laughing a little too loudly that afternoon ;). I am so grateful for the memories I have of him and our friendship. Toby and Karma, I love you and I'm hugging you from Utah.
May 11, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterStephen Holden
We love you Toby and Karma in the short time we have gotten to know you and are we so so sorry for your tragic loss. I don’t know if there’s anything we can say or do to make your pain go away, but I hope you can feel our love for you! ❤️
May 11, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterThe Dudleys
I’m going to miss you so much, you were such an amazing friend. Ride free. Semper Fi til Valhalla brother rest easy.
May 11, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterChelsea Majeske
Nate was one of the craziest guys I've ever known, and I loved him for it. What a hoot, anytime we got a chance to hang out, my sides would hurt for days from laughing and shock. Nate never hesitated to help anyone and everyone and never once would ask for anything in return. He had such a big heart and was the most loyal friend anyone could ask for. I feel bad for those who never got to know him because wow what an incredible person and friend he was. My favorite experience with Nate; my old truck starter goes out in the Home Depot parking lot at about 10 minutes before all parts stores are closed and I'm stranded. I'm trying to think of anyone close enough to rescue and help get me to the parts store before it closed. I look at Facebook and the first name to pop up is Nate so I shoot him a message, before I know it he is there to "help". Nates idea of helping me was letting my dog out of the truck and playing with him in the parking lot while I struggled to get my starter off in short time. I just smiled and thought, "I should have known better, having my dog with me, no chance Nate was doing anything more than playing with Chevy" Long story short he got me to the parts store and on my way home safely with a very happy Floofie. I'm gonna miss you Brother, sure wish we could go on one last ride together. My thoughts and heart go out to Toby and Karma and the entire Threet clan, thank you for all the memories and laughs. I'll always smile when I think of Nate. Much Love
May 12, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterWayne C. Kinne III
I knew Nate since elementary school. He was outrageous, but only on the outside. If you truly got to know him, you knew he was a thoughtful and kind soul. I’ve been following his recent academic pursuits and we exchanged messages about the state of the world. His lack of a filter would always lead me to turn my filter off. I suppose, in that way, he brought us closer to the truth. I’m very sad to have lost Nate. I cannot imagine the grief the family is feeling. My heart breaks for all of you.
May 12, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterMartin Howell
RIP, Nate, Tiny 2(Tiger) is a great friend and doing well.
May 12, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterGERALD S SMITH
What can I say about Nate? Well he came into my life with a terrible terrible pick up line and the rest became history. I will always remember how he could make me so angry and in the next instant make a joke that made me laugh so hard my ribs would be hurting. He had such an infectious laugh, it was also so loud you could find him in a crowd at times. He was great at making people laugh at his jokes or annoying them at times if they didn't unsterstand his sense of humor. Nate was a lot of things in life, he lived for life and especially for the dogs and cats in it. I remember making many trips to the humane society to pet the kitties and the pupper dogs just to show them some love. Nates light in this world got extinguished too early in this life but we could learn some things from him to. I hope he is up there with Tiny, stinky, potato, and Otis now and finally at rest.
Till we meet again my friend,
Samantha aka SammyThumb
May 12, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterSamantha
What can I say about Nate? Well he came into my life with a terrible terrible pick up line and the rest became history. I will always remember how he could make me so angry and in the next instant make a joke that made me laugh so hard my ribs would be hurting. He had such an infectious laugh, it was also so loud you could find him in a crowd at times. He was great at making people laugh at his jokes or annoying them at times if they didn't unsterstand his sense of humor. Nate was a lot of things in life, he lived for life and especially for the dogs and cats in it. I remember making many trips to the humane society to pet the kitties and the pupper dogs just to show them some love. Nates light in this world got extinguished too early in this life but we could learn some things from him to. I hope he is up there with Tiny, stinky, potato, and Otis now and finally at rest.
Till we meet again my friend,
Samantha aka SammyThumb
May 12, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterSamantha
I met Nate this past year at Northwood University. He came up to the table for the club I am president of, Turning Point USA. It is a pro-America, pro-capitalist club that promotes free markets and limited government. He was immediately sold when I gave him the information and ever since that day he was a very close friend. He was one of the few to consistently attend meetings, going out of his way to offer any help. He always sparked great conversation and turned heads with his loud jokes, but we loved them so much. Every once and a while he would shoot me a text, wether it was to wish me good luck on a test, or sending a selfie he took with a possum he found. He truly will be missed by all of our members and students at Northwood and remembered for his love of America. Nate was truly one of a kind and someone I will never forget. Look forward to seeing you again one day buddy.
May 15, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterAlissa

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